Penn Badgley
Host - Penn Badgley
Cheers, to the freakin' weekend.
Posts: 409
Post by Penn Badgley on Mar 11, 2013 14:10:22 GMT -5
I've created a brand new Edgic system that I think fits Big Brother a little more than the old one, which was geared toward Survivor. The chart below is pretty self explanatory, however houseguests get ranked/rated in 3 categories. For Tone and Style, they only get 1 of the options, but for Strength, they get all that apply for that week. Anyone who wants to participate each week is welcome!
Positive = Pos Neutral = Nt Negative = Neg
Physical Threat = PT Social Threat= SoT Strategic Threat = StT
Leader = Lead Follower = Flow Blind Follower = BFlow Floater = Float Complex Floater = CFloat
Post by Adam Levine on Mar 16, 2013 2:31:26 GMT -5
I think we need to add one more category: loner. I think floaters/followers have SOME form of alliance options. The loner I feel is like the outcast, that no one wants to work with for fear of being nominated themselves.
Just a thought
Post by Adam Levine on Mar 16, 2013 4:54:55 GMT -5
Week 1
Alexav NegFloat
Alex kind of has a reputation of being a dick. I think he's entertaining, but the house, with already dominating and distinguished personalities via returners, could find Alex abrasive and expendible. I'm interested to see him nominated, because I think he would go batshit crazy lol.
Amyav NegPTLoner
I included my own category lol. I think Amy fell victim to strategic and social genius this round due to her previous comp whoring ways. Although I'm sad to see her go, it was pretty cool to see the vets play this ruthless this early on. I wish Amy had more of a blow up when results were revealJiggle. But let's just hope she utilizes that energy to focus on the ashes board to return to the house stronger and more pissed off than ever.
Badgerav NtFlow
I'm personally rooting for Badger to take this all the way. However, I found it disappointing hearing that his target was Zooey but changed his vote to accomodate Hilarie (hence the follower ranking). Even Hilarie mentioned being fine with Badger doing his own thing, to I guess not spoil the fact that they're aligned? No need to make waves this early on I suppose, but I hope he fills that leadership role I know he's capable of filling.
Brantav NtFloat
I think Brant is clueless lol. I don't think his presence on aim is strong, I don't think he's made much of an impact in this game in general. Not too impressed with his DR's either, but hey he's participating. I can see him being a casualty soon if he doesn't pick up his game soon. That, or just Christina/Baldwin/Toby's his way to the end.
Brittanyav PosSoTStTLead
Didn't give her PT because her win was completely by social skills. Brittany definitely is here to play the game! It's exciting, but I'm personally not a fan of hers lol. Like if I were nominated by her, and she gave me the condescending "Try your best in veto! I know you can win!" I would be annoyed, and gun for her immediately. HOWEVER, she was able to get by this week with very clean hands, as both nominees that survived don't seem that vindictive towards her. Her social game must be strong, and I think she comes across very nice to the houseguests. I'm glad I get to see the bitch in her in her DR lol. I'm sure she'll grow on me, it'll just take time for me to adjust to her personality.
Edav NtStTFlow
I gave him strategic threat because his DRs are SO insightful. He's definitely a thinker, and a smart thinker at that. The only thing that questions him in my mind was his blind allegiance to Omarosa and Brittany. Thank goodness Omarosa quit so we can see this guy play. Jiggle even mentioned himself that with Omarosa quitting, it forced him to float more and make more connections. I gave him follower over floater because of that initial allegiance, but I can see him CFloat or Lead down the line. I really have high hopes for this kid. I just hope he doesn't crash and burn a la Evans season 3 (someone with major potential getting out early).
Halav NtPTSoTStTFloat
Oh snap, we have our first triple threat in the strength's category. First off, I want to say I love watching Hal play. He's a good friend of mine, and makes all this Housecall work fun and worth doing. I was struggling between neutral and negative seeing as Hal was nominated and out the door had he not won veto (PT), but he was very classy with winning the veto, and made up with Brittany after he vetoed himself off the block. I thought it was cool that Hal said in his DRs he prefers having more allies as opposed to enemies, which motivated him to make up with Brittany. However, people are super threatened by his relationship with James (SoT). The only thing that makes Hal not threatening is the fact that the house is aware of how threatening he is. Downplaying his strengths, downplaying his relationship with James, and forming tight relationships with other houseguests is essential for him to last in this house, being a threat this early on.
God not done yet. He was given StT for masterminding Operation: Oust Amy. He succeeded and set the tone for how the vets will play this game: ugly.
Hilarieav PosSoTCFloat
Hilarie is this season's Levine/Debra, though I don't think she knows it. All of her relationships are built strong behind the scenes, and everyone has something positive to say about her. I'm pretty sure in the Housecall questionnaire, most people said they were excited to work/play with Hilarie. I expect Hilarie to go very far. I'm even inclined to say she'll win this whole thing. All I know is that she'll have an easy road this game, but she WILL make all-stars, and let's just say her road in all-stars won't be as easy as her road here because of how successful she will be in this game.
Jamesav NtSoTStTLead
I hate to admit it, but after being his fail coach last season, I expected to be James's number one fan here... but I'm not. I want to like James so much more than I do, but I'm just not a fan of his gameplay compared to other people's gameplay. I think James is playing the same way he did last season: being too dominant of a threat in Aimland, borderline intimidating for the other houseguests to make any serious deal with him. His thread with Kristen seems unnecessary, and I think everyone is already on eggshells around him considering he was the vocal force behind Amy's fall. It seems like his only legitimate ally is in Hal. I think he can take a note from Hilarie about being a social threat behind the scenes. I think he's on everyone's radar, but we'll see if the house would do anything about it. I hope not!
Jenniferav NtFloat
She won veto for funsies. I spoke to her on aim briefly, and I didn't like her. She was alright I guess, but still didn't have the best first impression (you only get one shot at those!). Her DR is nice, I'd like to see an update from her soon. Aside from the superficial J cubed alliance, I haven't seen much gameplay from her. Only time will tell! She says she'll win this whole thing, I'm interested to see it happen!
Judeav NtFloat
Those that mentioned Jude actually had positive things to say about him. And seeing his DR, it's a shame circumstances beyond his control influenced his game this early on. He finds himself in the ashes board with Toby and Amy. If his DR is any inkling of how he'll be on the regular, I'd be fine with him coming back.
Kristenav NtLead
Where's OTT when you need it? Lol. I loved that she stood by her boy Toby's side. She does whatever the hell she wants to do, so she got that leader category. I think she's forming decent relationships with houseguests as far as I can tell. I don't think her OTT personality rubs people the way it did in her previous appearances. Here's hoping she improves her track record, and qualifies for all stars this time around.
Madonnaav NtFloat
I see Madonna on aim all the time. Yet I haven't spoken to her lol. Right now, I think Madonna is all talk. Her DRs are exciting, because you're expecting this behind the scenes CFloat type of gameplay in the house. But I haven't seen that impact, and she was one pilot uniform away from being sent to the ashes board. Hopefully she can back up that talk with a good social game, and make all those times she applied to this series worthwhile.
Shayav NtBFlow
I'm not sure who she's following blindly, but she is CLUELESS. Shay is my least favorite houseguest, and doesn't seem to be that active. However, she has somehow made a good rapport with some of the houseguests. I just hope she gets interesting and out of invisible land.
Tobyav NtFloat
<3 Definitely a housecall favorite this season with all of his video DRs. Such a shame for him to get the boot this early on. I'm not sure if there's much to his actual gameplay, but as a person, he's just hella cool. It's understandable though that he was evictJiggle. If he does return to the house, I would be pleasantly surprisJiggle. Toby isn't known for his competition prowess, so returning to the house would definitely be a huge accomplishment for him.
Tomav NtFloat
I literally haven't heard Tom's name brought up by anyone. Not as an ally, nor target, nothing. It's like he's just a bedwarmer for now. I want to see him do really well this season, but I think he has to be memorable to earn that all star spot.
Zooeyav NtFloat
Trust no1. Her theme this season. Love it! I thought initially she was going to be inactive, but she improved her visibility on aim, campaigned, and earned her stay in this house. I hope she keeps this momentum going, and becomes a CFloat/Lead character down the line.
Top Tier
Hilarie Brittany Badger Jiggle
Upper Tier
Hal Kristen James
Middle Tier
Alex Jennifer Zooey Tom
Bottom Tier
Shay Brant Madonna
Likely to Return from the Ashes
1. Amy 2. Jude 3. Toby
Penn Badgley
Host - Penn Badgley
Cheers, to the freakin' weekend.
Posts: 409
Post by Penn Badgley on Mar 19, 2013 8:26:51 GMT -5
Week 1NtSoTFloatAlex had a mix of people who loved/hated him, but people seemed to feel strongly one way or the other. I think he's a very social person, getting his name out there and not sitting back. His style has been floating because he's not really settled down with anything or confirmed anything concrete as far as strategy/alliances go. NegLonerI feel really bad for Amy. While I did give her a Negative tone, I think that some of the vets (Hilarie/James) did start to feel bad for her, but at that point, the check was signed and she was on her way to the Ashes. While she is a physical threat, and that will help her in the Ashes, she didn't get a chance to show those skills yet. NtFlowI like Badger a lot. He has personality, but I think his biggest weakness is that he's going to be afraid to make moves, whether small or bold. This week, his vote (which really wouldn't have even mattered in the long run) was something that he changed to please others. He's not going to nab an all-starz spot by being a follower... NtFloatNot a lot going on here. Socially seems week. Game wise, seems out of the loop and just going with the flow. If anything, I hope he gets stronger as the numbers dwindle. I see him as someone who's just lost in the big crowd. PosSoTStTLeadI agree that her HoH win showed that she's a social threat. I still question her nominations. I don't think she realized that Toby was harmless for the most part. She could have done much more damage by taking out a larger vet, but in the end, I'm kind of glad she didn't for the purpose of keeping the game intense as we move forward. She's overall one of the more dynamic players IMO so far. NtStTFloatI compare him to a more behind the scenes version of Jon Hamm. Very insightful and probably one of the more strategic players we've seen come through. I think he could be a social threat too, given that he was last to check in, but had no problem making up lost time. Excited to see him blossom here in Starz. NtPTSoTStTCFloatI agree that Hal showed a triple threat this week. He worked with James to engineer the Amy downfall using social and strategic devices, and then when he found himself in trouble, he comp whored a nice PoV win to keep himself safe. If this is the Hal we see all season, I feel like he will easily earn an All-Starz spot. I'm just not sure why more people don't flock to him on a social level. It seems he must not be the strongest AIM contender? IDK. But I loved his roller-coaster week of ups and downs, and he's super active. PosSoTCFloatWhile I love Hilarie and think she's a great player, for some reason I have a bad vibe about her position in this game. It's almost too good to be true. I feel like this game will get cut-throat, and she will find herself a victim to someone's vengeance or big move. But that's my gut speaking. My mind says she's mainly a social threat, with the ability to go physical and strategic. And because everyone views her in a positive light, that will help a lot. Then again, I know a few people rooting against her, but I won't mention any names. PosSoTStTLeadJames is a great character. Strong. Bold. Unafraid. But it's week one. He's playing way too hard. His spiderweb is bound to get swept away by someone who catches on. I don't wish him ill wishes, but I just think that he's making too many waves. While popular, I'm worried about him making the long run. He's definitely a threat, but clearly not worried about seeming like one. If he manages to get to the end, it will be WELL deserved, because he's gonna be playing in the limelight during his stay in the house. Even if he does do behind the scenes work, he so social that it will be hard to mask a lot of it, and I think people will figure him out. NtFloatStarted with a bang and then fizzled fast. I'm not sure about her since she kinda just went AWOL after the first few days. I think she has potential, and maybe the newbs being safe didn't help light a fire under her ass to step up and do much. Either way, I like the girl, so I hope to see her emerge a little more as a dynamic player. For now, she's classic MOR, which i think fits well with NtFloat. NtFloatEh, not a lot to say here either. Like Jennifer, I saw him as an early character, but he quickly faded behind the larger personalities of others. Then, to top it off, he misses HoH, gets sent to the Ashes, and now he's just a distant afterthought for many. If he comes back, we might see him emerge, but that's a big if. NtSoTFloatSocial threat because she's all over everyone's D in AIM it seems. Making connections left a right. I would have given her a Pos tone, but I do think that she puts a few people off. And also, she almost found herself the victim of a last minute switcheroo by James and Hilarie. She could have easily seen herself in the Ashes week 1, which, admittedly, would have been sad since I think she's fun, active, and a good character, even if she is a social whore. I gave her floater because she really has no allegiance. I could see her doing anything that will benefit her in the end and moving into CFloat as we go forward. ?IDK what happened here. I'm writing these assessments in round 2 after she's already been ejectJiggle. All I can say is that she came out strong, but then what the hell happened? Maybe it was all talk like Levine mentionJiggle. Who knows? NtFloat Kinda boring so far, to be honest. I gave her float because she's not really following anybody. Sadly, I feel like she's gonna just float toward the end, as people will start going after one another. But she's not going to make a name for herself if she just barely gets by like she has been. Give us something to work with, girl! NtFloatToby is really hard to assess, because I feel like his perception is sometimes way off. I think he was trying for the CFloat, but just not getting it. Sadly, I think Britney wasted an HoH on this guy, but at the same time now, we're 4 days past his eviction, and he hasn't even logged back in. He could easily be ejected from the Ashes in round 2. But on a positive note, I LOVED that he was bringing so much personality to his DR. I just don't think enough of that shined through into the game and into his conversations with other houseguests. Sad to see him leave, but perhaps it was for the best? NtFloatI have such high hopes for him, but he's playing the game somewhat in the same lines as like Shay, Brant, or Jennifer. They just haven't done a lot. In Tom's defense (and all the rest I mentioned) it IS week 1. And with Tom, I know he's capable of much more. So I hope that he has his chance to shine, because he's truly a great guy and a fully capable ORGer. And, granted, I do think he was social round 1. While people aren't mentioning him, that doesn't mean he's been truly invisible. Maybe he's going for an epic UTR game, which I think he could be capable of pulling off if he's smart about it. PosSoTFloatAt first I would have put her as NtFloat, but she really did use her social skills and likability to ensure her safety this week. I do think that she relies on James a LOT, but I feel like she deserves a little more credit than James gives her in the end. Also, I like that she's not blindly following James. I can see her following him to an extent, but I also know she does a little behind the scenes work of her own. Top TierBrittany James Hilarie Jiggle Alex Upper TierKristen Hal Middle TierTom Badger Jennifer Zooey Bottom TierMadonna Brant Shay Likely to Return from the Ashes1. Amy 2. Jude 3. Toby
Penn Badgley
Host - Penn Badgley
Cheers, to the freakin' weekend.
Posts: 409
Post by Penn Badgley on Mar 21, 2013 11:09:11 GMT -5
Week 2NegFlowAlex was the victim to his own alliance this week, which is why I put him as a follower. I think he thought he was the leader, but little did he know that he was getting the X by those he felt were most loyal to him. I kept him at Neg because he seemed to be targeted due to his cocky personality. Didn't seem to be a threat in any aspect, because, despite being social, he wasn't social enough to know that he needed to save his own ass. I do think he'll be a force to be reckoned with in the Ashes if he actually gives a damn and doesn't just give up and be lame. NtFloatI think Amy is doing the best she can for being the Ashes. Luckily for her, there isn't much competition, but I like that she's slowly trying to work her way back into the good graces of the people still in the house. I think some of them have warmed up to her, and if she gets out of the Ashes, I could see her doing a little better than before. NtFloatAnother quiet week for the Badge. He's active in his DR, but I feel like he's just going with the flow still. I don't think he's a follower, but more of a floater. I also like that he actually wants to make some moves, he just needs to put his money where his mouth is and he'll be fine. I think his perception of things is good too. Like, I think he knows what's going on as far as alliances and lines of allegiance are concernJiggle. NtFloatBrant who? Nobody seems to care about him strongly in one way or the other. He's gonna just be a number if sides emerge. Playing a UTR game, but not one that will likely get him very much recognition. At least that's the vibe I'm getting so far. *shrug* PosSoTPtStTLeadI think she's the full package. Cutting deals all over the place. Winning a challenge she tired to throw. Being one of the lead faces who's taking credit for the Alex eviction. Plus, I think she brings a lot of personality. Typically, cocky doesn't do it for me, but I think she has the right mix of cockiness and enough skill to back it up. She's one of my faves so far. NtCFloatI didn't give him any strengths this week, because his win was half luck, and even though he was HoH and made moves that probably benefitted him, I feel like he isn't really seen as a leader. I don't think his social and strategic games are bad at all, but they aren't standing out like some others to me. When you're HoH, I think you gotta sometimes be more vocal and purposeful. At the same time, I think he's lining himself up nicely as far as game position goes. He will just need to make sure to be more of a presence later, which I think we can expect? PosFloat
Hal seems to be having the craziest ride in this house. I think he was more worried about this eviction than he needed to be. But man, it can't be sitting well with him to have been nominated 2 weeks out of 2. Then again, look where he still is... in the game. Not the Ashes. That's saying something. I think that last week he exhibited more strengths than this week, but I also think he did the right thing by letting Alex take himself out of the game this week. I'm looking for Hal to bounce back and bring some of those same strengths he brought week 1. NtCFloatHilarie was the major person in the "Care Bear" alliance who didn't want Alex to go, and I like that she at least held her ground. While it might have pissed off her allies, she showed that she's nobody's bitch. As long as her stubbornness to stick with Alex doesn't come back to bite her, I think she'll be in decent shape. At least if Alex comes back from the Ashes, he will be after James/Brittany and not Hilarie. PosSoTStTLeadTwo weeks in a row, James is playing hardball. He's on cloud nine, and things are going his way. Probably one of the more threatening players as far as social/strategic game is concernJiggle. His "web" is working well, but I'm still convinced it will come crashing down around him. This guy is making way too many deals and plans for them to not eventually come back and bite him in the ass. It's making for good viewing though, at least IMO. Then again, I like watching the big dogs take a fall to the hands of the underdogs. Your time will come, James. NtFloatJennifer who? She's barely active. Boo. I don't really have much else to say except most of these Newbs have NOT brought it like I was hoping. Jennifer is one of them so far. NtFloatI was impressed with his clue solving skills in the Ashes. He was definitely way ahead of Amy, however we know by now that Amy gets the PoV before him to start week 3. Either way, he also did well in the competition, and would have beat Amy to maintain his safety. Which means, he could be a threat to whoever is trying to get out of the Ashes. Not sure how his social game is going. I think Amy has him beat there. Could be an interesting matchup in the Ashes this week with 3 potential players who seem to be decent at comps. PosSoTCFloat
I thought it was funny that Kristen used Shay to find the secret Veto. Shay knows for sure (or at least she has access to knowing) that Kristen has the special PoV because one of Shay's questions was "Is it in package 15." So, why Shay isn't using that information to her ability is beyond me. But enough about Shay. This is about Kristen. I think she's climbing on people's likability scale, and her social game is super active. If I were her, I'd be very happy with my position in the house thus far. Definitely a contender IMO. NegBFlowI gave her Negative because people are really stating to wonder if she even exists in this game at all. She also must be up Kristen's vag, so she gets Blind Follower. She said she's not as busy coming up this round, so let's see if she can put her money where her mouth is, because so far, I'm not impressed! NtFloatToby came and talked to me and explained that he has been really sick lately. That's why he wasn't around for the Ashes comp. It sucks, but what can ya do? Later Toby! NtFloatI want to say that Tom is heading more in the direction of CFloat? He secured an alliance this week, and I don't think he's in danger, but he better start doing something a little bigger since there are already some big forces in this house. He's just going to fall into their shadows soon enough if he doesn't strike. NtSoTFlowI'm so back and forth on Zooey. One minute I feel like she's playing her own game, the next, I'm convinced she really is just James' pawn. I do think she has one of the better social games, or at least I sense that might be the case, but I don't know if she's using it to the best of her potential. Like, a strong social game should always go hand in had with a strong strategic game, but I'm not seeing that from her at all. I think she's just content being the silly fun girl, and hoping that she doesn't find herself in a mess that James can clean up for her. Idk. I like her, but the verdict is still out on whether or not I really think she's playing a good game. Top TierBrittany Kristen James Upper TierJiggle Hilarie Hal Middle Tier
Badger Tom Zooey Bottom TierJennifer Brant Shay Likely to Return from the Ashes1. Jude 2. Amy 3. Alex
Post by Channing Tatum on Mar 26, 2013 11:45:28 GMT -5
Im really starting to hate my laptop. When I type theres apparently some way that im hitting the finger pad that makes me go "back" a page and I lose everything I type. I had a nice review almost done and this happenJiggle. Im gonna die.
Post by Adam Levine on Mar 28, 2013 2:11:24 GMT -5
Week 2Doing this at the beginning of Week 4, but just finished the second episode so hopefully I'm in tune with how I felt. NegFlowAlex was the target of Brittany's second HoH reign. He seemed to lose his fire when he got evictJiggle. I mean, hello, he could've fought his way back from the ashes. But it seemed like he didn't care, so I could care less about him too. NegFloatAmy is bored out of her mind. I think she's still doing what little communication she can. The ashes isn't giving her much entertainment, and she's pretty much twiddling her thumbs. Who knows, maybe skating by these first few weeks scotch free could be the best thing for her if she makes it back into the house. NtSoTFlowStill not wanting to make waves this week, though it irritates him thinking that James is giving himself credit for Alex's eviction. Badger benefited with Hal remaining in the competition. I'm glad Badger called out James for being a threat in his DR, now it's time to see him do something about it. He gets follower, because despite him having two solid deals between Hilarie and Kristen, I still see him as the back up bitch. Work it. He's a social threat for having two impact players under his belt however. So good for him. NtFloatBrant is pretty much irrelevant. I think he made a deal with Jiggle this week, so good for him. But overall, they both are barely a drop to this bucket of water. I hope to see him come out of his shell. PosSoTPtStTLeadLol, Brittany is owning it. Coming off of her HoH reign seamlessly, Jiggle was her puppet this week, and she got the result she wantJiggle. I thought it was interesting she said James was her number one, which makes me wonder how James views her. But all in all, I am the most impressed with this newb. And she definitely has all-star material written all over her. Now she just needs to take a slice of humble pie when writing in her DR and she will be golden. NtStTBFlowI don't understand how I can rank him as a strategic threat, and a blind follower, but here's my rationale. He let Brittany control his reign, but at the end of the week, he writes that he's out of the loop and that Brittany and James are basically only telling Jiggle the info he needs to hear, when Jiggle knows they know loads more of information. What the crap dude? He was in a position to change that. But he consciously allowed Brittany to control his week. Which makes me conclude that his primary attention is elsewhere. Not sure if it's in another org, or personal life, or whatever, but it's not here. He's hella smart but not applying himself in this game. And it shows. NegStTFlow
I gave Hal negative because he received zero sympathy from being nominated week 1. Hal found himself on the block again, but this time against an opponent he felt comfortable surviving against. He gets strategic threat, because he's always plotting. He purposefully got Shay eliminated in the HoH, and had Tom followed through on his end, Jiggle would've been eliminated too. I gave him follower because I see him in James's shadow, which I hope changes soon. PosSoTLeadHilarie does what Hilarie wants to motherfucking do. And I love that about her. She's a leader in every aspect, and I think James/Brittany are working with her, but know they have to dispose of her soon before she gets too influential. Her buddy Alex got evicted this week, but she's pretty nonchalant about letting that affect her game. Also her DRs are the most endearing and fun to read. I hope to see her in a power position soon, because I think she would handle it well. NtSoTStTLeadWhat James wants James gets. His written DRs are crap, but his presence on aim and his video DRs sure make up for it. He's definitely one people talk about. Badger is on to James's strength, which is good. I hope James gets caught for being cocky and in power. But as of now, James is in a really good position as he has maneuvered his way in the many relationships. NegFloatFuck Jennifer for leaving those shitty DR answers. Leave already. NtFloatOh Snap! His DRs are enlightening. How I wish his trip to the hospital didn't affect his game. He seems like a really interesting character, and I hope he continues to try and find clues to enter the ashes board. NtSoTCFloat
I see Kristen as a complex floater. She has a unique relationships with just about every angle of the house. She was a little quiet this round, but her social game is so strong. She's one to watch for sure. NtFloatShe's clueless. And irrelevant. She did seem nice when she responded in the DR questions though, but damn, write in your freaking DR. And in your DR, do more than the stupid cast assessments. That's something you do week 1, not every time you make a new entry. Geeze, get it together girl. NtFloatTom is also irrelevant. I would say he's the least successful of the vets this go around. He needs to do something, and do something soon, or he can find himself in trouble. He's likeable from my own personal standpoint, however I see him as very weak socially and strategically. NtFloatNow this is a neutral floater I respect. I'm so glad she survived last round. Her DRs are awesome, and she keeps me in check with every move she makes while she's making it. She's close with James, but she's also close with Hilarie, which in my eyes are two different sides of the house. I think Zooey playing both sides is a little bit like Kristen's gameplay. I am interested to see who will pull it off better in the long run. Top TierBrittany James Hilarie Upper TierKristen Badger Zooey Middle Tier
Hal Jiggle Brant Bottom TierShay Tom Jennifer Likely to Return from the Ashes1. Jude 2. Amy
Post by Adam Levine on Mar 28, 2013 2:12:57 GMT -5
Im really starting to hate my laptop. When I type theres apparently some way that im hitting the finger pad that makes me go "back" a page and I lose everything I type. I had a nice review almost done and this happenJiggle. Im gonna die. That happened to me too, and I think I lost all motivation. I forgot when, but yeah I'm pretty sure I said fuck it after lol.
Post by Adam Levine on Mar 29, 2013 10:34:52 GMT -5
Week 3amyav NtPTFloatI think Amy could not have come in the house at a better week. James and Brittany find themselves in the minority, and only got what they wanted because Brittany had extra votes. I’m sure they’ll use their social magic on Amy, which Amy would most likely be in line with as long as Hal wasn’t in the picture. She’s gunning for him, so it looks like it could be another one of James’s future followers. Badgerav NtFlowIt’s funny, because despite Badger mentioning he would be open to voting our Jiggle or Tom (which would sound like he’s floating), the way he wrote made it sound like he would either follow Hilarie’s plan or James and Brittany’s plan. Which made him sound like a follower lol. I’m glad he stuck by his girl Hilarie. Hopefully that will make his future decisions easier. I can actually see him being complex if he wins an HoH, which I hope he does soon. He’s aware of James’s threat level, and I think he would do something about it. Brantav NtFloatHe was pretty irrelevant this week. It’s cool he was on the voting minority, but he needs to write better DRs lol. I’m interested in what he’s doing, but to me it just seems like nothing so far. Brittanyav NtPTSoTStTLeadShe is workin’ it. I am definitely a Brittany fan. However, I think people are catching on how close she is with James. I mean, they NEEDED to win 2 extra votes and the tie-breaker power in order to secure Tom’s eviction. But they pulled through, and got what they wantJiggle. Why? Because this is freaking James and Brittany’s house! I’m interested to see who will be their opposition, which based on the vote, looked like Hilarie would lead the charge. We shall see! Edav NtFlowJiggle was touched by an angel! Or more specifically, Alex’s Angels. He wasn’t a blind follower, because he did try to form relationships to secure votes himself. It’s just that he failed at doing that It’s funny his target will be Shay, which I’m glad for. Hopefully Jiggle will get in a position of power where the wound is still fresh and he’ll target Shay. But he stayed this week by the skin of his teeth, so it may seem like he has bigger fish to fry. Halav NegPTStTCFloatI put Hal at a negative, because he just went against his number James’s wishes, which I’m not sure if Hal knows, but James would view that as a reason to make Hal expendable. And with Amy returning, that could only make Hal’s image even more taintJiggle. Despite only winning one competition so far, Hal’s been placing really high in competitions. I think he failed to realize James had the ability to vote in the case of a tie, which had he remembered, Hal would’ve voted like Kristen. But we’ll see if Hal can survive yet another obstacle thrown at him. Hilarieav NtSoTLeadIf anybody can lead the charge against Alex’s Angels, it would be this girl. Proof was with how split the votes were this week. However, she failed and is probably high on Alex’s Angels’ radar as far as threats that need to be taken care of. All I hope for is that she or one of her minions gets into a position of power before they do. Just to spice things up a bit. Jamesav NegSoTStTLeadCan you say villain this season? Haha oh James. Following in my footsteps ever so perfectly. HE’S AN ASSHOLE! And it’s fun to root against him. But he’s making this game interesting. If people literally flock to him with deals, then good for him. But clearly James was a little in over his head with this eviction. James might’ve revealed a few too many cards with wanting to save Jiggle adamantly over Tom, but I think he has the social game to move on the following week unscathed if he plays his cards right. It’s cool to see what he’ll do from here, because literally it seems like he only has Alex’s Angels 100%. Kristenav NtSoTStTCFloatI think Kristen’s move this week was the definition of complex floating. She used her social game to see how votes would go, and not forgetting about James’s power, voted how the eviction would have resulted anyway. My only hope is that she won’t be a casualty of war for turning her back on Badger, Hilarie, Hal and Brant. I wonder if they’ll even find out it was Kristen who floppJiggle. However, Kristen should be in a decent position, but needs to secure herself by winning HoH soon. Shayav NtFloatThis inactive bitch caused drama. Which is awesome. But Shay’s inactive. And I no like her. Next. Tomav NtFloatI thought Tom was the weakest of the vets, but I still feel like he left swinging. There was a glimpse of hope for him surviving, but James shut that down and Brittany said “Hell naww.” But hopefully with him going to the ashes, he’ll be active enough to make the ashes a competition, and possibly return to combat the James/Brittany deadly duo. Or even more epic, battle them out in the ashes if they find themselves evictJiggle. Ooooh Zooeyav PosPTSoTCFloatZooey, despite voting with Alex’s angels, I feel like is playing all sides. She secured her safety with her relationship with Hilarie (somehow they’re just close) and Shay with a PLL alliance, and she secured herself with James/Brittany with Alex’s Angels. Zooey is playing a better version of Kristen’s game atm. And, I think Zooey could ride it out far. Despite winning PoV in a hard PoV competition, I still don’t think Zooey is given that stint as a threat or target. That’s hard to do, but Zooey did it! Top TierZooey Brittany Badger Upper TierJames Kristen Hilarie Middle TierAmy Hal Bottom TierJiggle Brant Shay Likely to return from the Ashes1. Tom duh
Post by Channing Tatum on Apr 3, 2013 2:11:48 GMT -5
As photos seem to be down right now, I wont be posting any I guess
AMY- PosPTCFloat ~ As Ive said before Amy is the game mix of Howie from BB7 and Amy from BB3. She gets a Positive tone because honestly the other players seem to like her a lot. Shes always mentioned as one of the main ones people enjoy talking to despite what we may think of her gameplay. She seems to be a pretty physical threat in the game. She hasn't gotten much chance to prove it with the Ashes quitters however the one legit HoH she played in, she won! And was a strong player in the Veto this past round. It was hard to choose between Amy being a Complex Floater or a Blind Follower. I think this is really where her Amy (CF) or Howier (BF) really comes into play. Ultimately, I think she is Complex Floater. Nobody quite knows where she stands in the game but unfortunately I think she is player that is expendable. So while she is social, she isn't in any solid relationships and that will be here demise in the end. So pick a spot anywhere between final 5-9 for Amy. Someone wins HoH who doesn't want to go after a threat like James or Brittany and doesn't wanna waste HoH on Badger or Hal and its so long Amy! So that's how I expect to see Amy go out this season.
BADGER- PosSoTFloat ~ Badger is another person that people have a positive view on. I think he is in a better spot than Amy however, he seems to have better social skills and also has a positive view from others. I think he is someone people will use as a swing vote in a round or so (or maybe Hal, whichever stays longer) and I expect to see Badger fall somewhere between 2-6 on the final overall results. I really like him personally but I think he is not in a great spot to win right now in this game but he is visible enough to outlast someone like Brant (spoiler alert!) and less threatening and trustworthy enough to outlast the Amys and Kristens of the game.. If I compared his game to a real player he would be Karen from BB5 with a hint of Nakomis in there also.
Brittany- NTPTStTFollower* ~ Brittany is getting a Neutral tone. Some of the players are starting to figure out she isn't as non-threatening and happy go lucky as they once thought. She is obviously a Physical Threat as shes won multiple challenges and threw the most eggs this past challenge and lost Veto on a TB. She also is a strategic threat because she has such potential to make big moves, she just isn't doing it. Shes letting James dictate her game currently and not making decisions she wants to make, hence the *. She is a follower but she doesn't have to be. She easily could overtake James but right now, she isn't for whatever reason but she really is the true threat. I expect her to get either 1st OR 5-7 in the game. If I said her game was like a real player, Brittany is BB4s Alison with a combo of BB3s Danielle and that's a dangerous combination!
Jiggle- NTStTSoBFollow ~ I hate to put Blind Follower for Jiggle, its weird cause I know Jiggle is a much better player than a "blind follower" and he did prove he had more going on last week by voting how he wanted to, but as a whole I feel like Jiggle has been a BlindFollower to Brittany who in turn has followed James. But I have no doubt in my mind, Jiggle wont stay as Blind Follower. I think he will either get out in the next round or so like 8-10 or win the entire game. I think he will only get stronger and is the real dark horse to win. His Strategic ideas are really good and thought out, he just hasn't had a chance to execute. As a player id say Jiggle is what happens when Drew from BB5 and Daniele in BB13 have a baby.
Hal- NTSoFloat ~ Oh Hal, I love Hal personally, but from a game point of view things aren't going well. Im hoping his DPOV will give him the boost he needs to be in contention to do well in the game, but currently I think he has the least chance at winning. He is doing terrible in challenges and is always nominated . Hes a nice guy though and hes workin it to stick around but I see him getting out 9-10 or going to final 4 and getting picked off there. As a player hes Sharon from BB9 mixed with Chicken George.
Hilarie- PosStTSoLeader ~ I know it may seem odd to label Hilarie as a leader right now, but I kinda feel like she is closest thing to a floaters leader that there is. She is the antagonist to James (who are we kidding, shes the protagonist) She is currently the only one taking steps to take out major players like Brittany, Jiggle and James. None of them have really happened yet, but I think the effort is there and shes about to kick into high gear. I think if she could solidly team up with someone like Amy to help in challenges, she and Badger/Hal could really rally against the others and have a real shot, but Hilarie is the only one at this point with the clout to really swing them together. I see her getting 4-7 in the game and Id say she is a healthy mix of Keesha from BB10 and Jeff from BB11
James- NegStTLeader ~ James picked this game up by the balls and chocked it for the first half of this game and honestly, I think his chances are totally shot right now (though I thought the same of Justin last season sooooo.) People are really figuring out that James needs to go and all its gonna take it one late night conversation with these players to totally turn the tide on him. I think they might even pull Zooey away from him as she increasingly becomes disenchanted with him. Though nobody can deny he is the leader and has been from the start. Hes aligned with everyone and Im afraid hes dead sprinted the first 13.1 miles of this marathon and its really more about the home stretch than the first stretch. I expect 7-10th out of him and as a gamer I think he is a mix of Dan BB14 and Dana from BB4
Kristen- NegSoCFloat ~ Kristen is a Complex Floater if there ever was one. I don't really know that Kristen knows what Kristen is doing half the time. I think shes quickly losing all credibility however I think shes the "devil you don't" know in comparison to the other sides knowing they need to take out the others. So I think if she plays it right she can play her way to final 5-8 but regardless shes in trouble and really needs to do some damage control with her social side. Nows the time to cut the crazy and really focus on the game......but can you really ask a Seagull not to fly and squawk crazily? Shes Marcellas BB3 and Renny BB10 all rolled into one
Post by Adam Levine on Apr 3, 2013 22:11:41 GMT -5
Post by Channing Tatum on Apr 3, 2013 22:13:14 GMT -5
Oh right I forgot about her haha