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Sebby Stan: i ccant find diary rooms May 23, 2013 19:01:27 GMT -5
Zooey Deschanel: yikes. boards are open now May 23, 2013 18:32:54 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: you need to unlock the Viewer's Lounge so everyone can see THE SEBBY AWARDS!!!! May 23, 2013 12:50:44 GMT -5
Badger Boofer: LOL yes. Perfection May 23, 2013 12:16:02 GMT -5
James Roday: , 's joke was "" May 23, 2013 12:10:31 GMT -5 *
Penn Badgley: Finalists' answers should be in by 4pm today. May 22, 2013 9:52:36 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: What was Zach's joke? I wanna hear it!! May 21, 2013 20:23:59 GMT -5
James Roday: > May 21, 2013 19:50:49 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: The first one was HYSTERICAL THOUGH May 21, 2013 19:13:50 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: It's ok I didn't laugh at that one either. May 21, 2013 19:13:38 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: :o What did I do ? May 21, 2013 19:13:16 GMT -5
James Roday: is a horrible human being. ;) May 21, 2013 18:46:29 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: I just sent another joke. I hope he likes this one. May 21, 2013 18:04:45 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: yes, this is true, but what does that have to do with my joke? May 21, 2013 15:53:46 GMT -5
James Roday: ruins lives! May 21, 2013 15:39:30 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: Who wants to read my joke? May 21, 2013 15:35:08 GMT -5
Sebby Stan: thatw as the ebst joke ever. don't lie May 21, 2013 15:33:13 GMT -5
Aaron Rodgers: oh yah? May 21, 2013 15:16:50 GMT -5
James Roday: There's too many of you greenies to keep track of! May 21, 2013 14:30:35 GMT -5
James Roday: That was one of the most fucked up jokes I've ever read. May 21, 2013 14:29:45 GMT -5 *
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